Zentangle & Me

I've been learning & practising the  Zentangle art-form for about 10 years now, & have become one of the hopelessly addicted.I think it all started from a photo on Flickr. I saw it, it said 'Look at me', I did & here we are. As soon as I discovered that lots of people were drawing like this I Googled it to within an inch of its' life, ordered a book, Totally Tangled by Sandy Stein Bartholomew, & some Micron pens & started practising.
I've searched through my work & I think this was the first design I made for someone else, in this case my friend Gundi. I did it on a Stampbord tile, which for a beginner, wasn't the easiest choice I could have made!

Strictly speaking a classic Tangle is done on a 3.5" square tile of card, using what's called a 'string' as a framework for your design. The string is simply a continuous line of loops & shapes laid down to give you areas within to fill with Tangles. I tend not to work like that. Most of the time I start with a single shape, such as an initial & Tangle within & around it. The above example is where I started, & this next one is one of my more recent creations & my personal favourite to date.

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